Angerddol am fwyd o ansawdd uchel

O ddylunio bwyd a datblygu ryseitiau, i hyrwyddo cynnyrch a chynllunio digwyddiadau, os ydych chi’n credu’n angerddol mewn hybu bwydydd a diodydd o’r safon uchaf, cysylltwch â ni i weld sut y gallwn eich helpu i gael y gorau o’ch busnes.

Darganfod byd bwyd a choginio Nerys Howell

Yma,cewch gyfle i brynu ac archwilio llyfrau gogoneddus Nerys Howell. Os ydych yn coginio adref neu yn ‘chef’ profiadol mae’r llyfrau hyn yn llawn ryseitiau blasus o gynnyrch lleol ag awgrymiadau da wrth i chi goginio! Cewch ymgolli ym myd coginiol Cymru wrth gyd-rannu arbenigedd ac angerdd Nerys.

Barn pobl amdanom…

Whilst working with Howel Food Consultancy they have been extremely professional. I could rely on them 100% to carry out any organisational work. It was an absloute pleasure to work with Nerys and her team.

Antony Jones, Director at Freshwater UK / Merlin

Having been a client of Howel Food Consultancy for many years I have always been assured that all members of staff have been professional, approachable and have offered a very high quality of demonstrating, where topical tips are offered freely. Adverse weather conditions are no barrier to the cause of sharing good food! I would certainly recommend their services.

Sandy Greenslade,

Nerys has been regularly presenting food and drink items on our live programmes for ten years. She always succeeds to attract a loyal and appreciative audience. Nerys continues to be a valuable member of our team of chefs who regularly appear on Prynhawn Da.

Glynog Davis, Senior Producer, Tinopolis

We appointed Howel Food Consultancy to review the catering offered at the sites owned by Amgueddfa Cymru, National Museum Wales. They provided us with the clear and incisive view that we needed so as to ensure that the catering across our sites meets the expectations of our visitors and supports the local economy by, wherever possible, using local produce of the highest possible quality.

Mark Richards, 
Director of Operations, National Museum Wales

Whilst working with Howel Food Consultancy they have been extremely professional. I could rely on them 100% to carry out any organisational work. It was an absloute pleasure to work with Nerys and her team.

Enfys Fox,
 Marketing Manager Wales, Tesco

Merlin Marketing and Public Relations has worked with Howel Food Consultancy on a number of bespoke food and drink related projects and has always found the team to have a thorough and detailed knowledge of the industry in Wales and its many producers, suppliers and products.

Sheona Roberts,
 Merlin Marketing and Public Relations

Thank you. The recipe suggestions are really great! I love them! I love the variation and inspiration – it’s exactly what our customers are asking us for!

Charlie Mills,
 Customer Planner, Fresh Meat & Fish Trading Team, ASDA

Nerys, I would like to say thank you for the day we spent in your kitchen in Bala. I came away so enthusiastic about what you showed us that weekend. It’s not that often I get excited about preparing food but I certainly did that day. Please let me know if you are doing anything else in the area as I’d love to attend another session.

Mark Edwards,
 Workshop attendee, North Wales

Just a short note to say that you so much for your help, and immense knowledge on the press trip yesterday. It was a lovely day – a fab showcase of what Wales can offer and I think the journalists were suitably impressed!

Susie Aust,
 Director Four bgb