Pork and apple are a classic combination served with a twist in this recipe. A large glass of Welsh cider is the perfect accompaniment!

Serves 4


4 Welsh pork – gammon steaks
25g butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 eating apples, cored and sliced into 6 pieces each
1 tbsp demerara sugar
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
150ml of Welsh cider


Heat the oil with half the butter and fry the gammon steaks on both sides for 6-7 minutes until they are slightly browned.ย  Remove from the pan, cover them and keep them warm.

in the same pan, add the remaining butter, sprinkle with sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved then cook the apples until browned on all sides then remove.

Deglaze the pan with the vinegar and scrape up the cooking juices. Add the cider and reduce until you have a good syrupy sauce. Pop the gammon back in the pan to reheat and serve immediately with the sauce.