Noisette is a boneless lean cut, full of flavour and cut from the loin. Laverbread compliments the sweetness of the Welsh lamb as discovered by the historian and traveller George Burrows in the 19th century.

Serves 2


4 lean Welsh lamb noisettes
Halen Mon seasalt and pepper
50g salted butter at room temperature
zest of half a lemon and half an orange
1 tbsp laverbread
250g cold mashed potato
2 tablespoons rolled oats
1 tablespoon laverbread
1 tbsp each of oil and butter


Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas mark 6.

Mix the butter, laverbread and citrus zest in a small bowl and shape into a cylinder then wrap in greaseproof paper and refrigerate until required.

Heat the oil in a heavy based, oven proof frying pan, season the meat on both sides with the salt and pepper and sear for 2-3 minutes on both sides, slice half the butter and pop on top of each noisette then transfer to the oven and cook for a further 10-12minutes depending on how pink you like your lamb. Remove from the oven and leave to rest in a warm place.

In the meantime mix the potato with the laverbread and oats, season with pepper and shape into 4 potato cakes of about 2-3cm thickness.ย  Leave them at room temperature. In another frying pan, heat the butter and oil and fry the potato cakes until they are golden and crispy on all sides.

To serve slice the remaining butter and put a slice on each cooked noisette and plate with the potato cake along with any lamb juices.